Snoring Overview

Snoring results from an often-complex multi-facial problem that can be affected by one or more anatomical factors. For most sufferers, snoring is caused by the vibration of the muscular roof of the mouth, also known as the soft palate. For others, snoring is worsened by an obstruction of the nasal passage. An enlarged uvula, tonsils, and the base of the tongue can also contribute to the problem.

There is no reason to be embarrassed about snoring, or to feel alone. Snoring is a common problem, with 90 million Americans suffering from the condition. While snoring can have a negative impact on your personal life, it can also negatively affect your health, and should therefore be taken seriously. Snoring could be a sign of something more serious.  It could be a sign of obstructive breathing or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).  OSA may lead to daytime drowsiness, decreased libido and energy, and even depression. More serious problems such as an increased risk of heart attacks and stroke, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and high blood pressure can also result from Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Do not wait to have your snoring problem examined. Dr. Silk can help you determine the cause and a course of treatment for your snoring, which may help save your relationships- and your life!